
Cold Chain Packaging Applications

Depending on the destination and time of year, shippers’ needs can vary widely, which means cold chain packaging manufacturers face a real challenge in providing the right level of protection. Too weak, and shipments arrive damaged; too robust, and packaging is too heavy and too expensive.

Use Varcode technology to get hard numbers on the level of strength your shippers need. Our Varcode Smart Data Solution™ (VSDS) powered by our Time-Temperature Recorders and dashboard can give you data on the cumulative temperature of your shipment at during its journey at a fraction of the cost of a data logger system. This data can help you design the packaging that you need for any place at any time of year.

Packaging Cold Chain Temperature Tracking Technology

The VSDS™ was designed to give cold chain logistics companies detailed data on the condition of their shipments. Driven by our Digital Time-Temperature Indicators, our patented Smart Tags™ utilizes barcodes that dynamically shift in response to changes in shipment temperature. Using off-the-shelf barcode readers or Varcode’s iOS or Android apps, your cold chain logistics professionals can capture data on the temperature of a shipment at any point in the journey, allowing you to capture precise measurements on temperature changes along the way.

No labor-intensive data analysis is required! At any point during shipment, you’ll have access to recorded data via our online dashboard. And for direct updates, configure our STMS™ Management system to send automated alerts at the time of the scan to specific team members, alerting them when a shipment is in danger of exceeding a specified temperature range for a predetermined amount of time.

While our system is flexible enough to integrate alongside existing infrastructure, we have designed the VSDS™ to function fully as a stand-alone system, with no need for expensive data loggers.

Make data-driven decisions on your packaging needs. Contact us to learn more.

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(312) 819-7003

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