
Pharma & Life Sciences

Monitoring and managing pharmaceutical and life science products throughout the cold chain are imperative for the safety and efficacy of our healthcare system. We understand the time and monetary complexities of ensuring each product's quality through a complex and highly regulated system.

The Varcode Smart Solution simplifies the once believed impossible task and allows cold-chain monitoring from pallet to the individual product- including vial - level. The Smart Tag™, with the flexibility of its size, can be placed on any product and scanned through a mobile app, making it easy to collect data anywhere

We get immediate feedback on the quality and condition of the sample.

We use Varcode’s smart digital time and temperature indicators to help ensure the quality of our in-home healthcare diagnostic tests. When a blood sample arrives in our lab, the Varcode tag is immediately scanned. All of the data is uploaded to our system and we get immediate feedback on the quality and condition of the sample. All of this happens within a blink of an eye without generating additional work on the floor. Most important however, is that we can guarantee a correct diagnosis."


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(312) 819-7003

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