
Temperature Monitoring & Tracking App

Varcode's Scanning Suite is the link between your product and actionable information. Our scanning options allow seamless integration into any operation. The product line induces a mobile app, web-base scanning that can be accessed through a QR code, and commercial scanner integration.

Scanning Suite

QR Code Scanning

Quick and Simple

  • Simply scan a QR code, then scan the Smart Tag™
  • Easy and quick to implement, last mile friendly

App Scanning

Most versatile

  • Download the app from either the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store
  • Simple, and easy to use with more options for better data

Handheld And Industrial

High Volume

  • Integrate with either handheld industrial mobile computer, or with a web base plug and scan handheld device
  • Best for high-volume, industrial applications

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(312) 819-7003

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